But how do the testers know what to look for in terms of accessibility? Specially, what are some standards we factor into our testing?
Mobile apps are typically web applications that are accessed over the Internet or an intranet. As a result, they are covered by Section 508’s technical standards for Web-based Intranet and Internet Information and Applications. Many mobile web apps also include software applications, such as Browsers, plug-ins and extensions which are covered by technical standards for Software Applications and Operating Systems. Also, if the app uses multimedia then technical standards for Video or Multimedia Products would apply.
Another fundamental feature that makes mobile web apps different from applications for desktop computers is that their intended use is for smart phones or PDAs. Due to the small size of these devices, there may be accessibility implications that are not adequately covered by some of the technical provisions. This is why it is important to include Functional Performance Criteria Section.
Our accessibility engineers will work with your team of mobile app developers to help them understand Section 508 and other accessibility and usability requirements as they apply. Accessibility Partners has worked to greatly improve and increase the accessibility of the mobile application’s components, whether they are developed with Ajax, HTML, C#, C/C++, Visual Basic, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Python, and other languages.