Sharon Rosenblatt, an IT accessibility services professional, told SHRM that paper applications might shut applicants with visual disabilities "out of a job." "This hurts the individual and can prevent a company from potentially hiring an
Top 12 PowerPoint Tips and Hacks for Flawless Presentations
Sharon shared her tips with Go Skills on how to make presentations more accessible to users with disabilities. Please find the full article here.
10 Exciting Web Design Trends for 2020
Please see our quote and inclusion in the full article from Sitejet. Accessibility for visitors with disabilities One trend that might not be particularly sexy - but is incredibly important - is accessibility. In other words, making websites
What Small Businesses Need to Know About Assistive Technologies
Thank you to Business News Daily for featuring us in their piece on assistive technology in small businesses. Full article link: Snippet: You can also offer one-on-one meetings to your employees with disabilities to see if any other
Can I Use a Sick Day as a ‘Mental Health Day’?
Thank you to Rewire for including us in your piece about mental health accommodations in the workplace. We were honored to share our story and perspective on a very real issue for our staff. Full article: Can I Use a Sick Day as a ‘Mental Health