Technology is ever evolving and rapidly changing in today’s business and today’s education. While to many of us the use of technology is something we use everyday, and also something we tend to take for granted, there are also people in our community that struggle to implement these technologies into their lives. One such community that has struggled with newer technologies is the disabled communities. There are a variety of reasons that certain disabilities would hamper the use of new technologies, but in order to really understand the gravity of the situation we decided to interview Accessibility Partners, one of the frontrunners in the implementation of technology into the disabled community.
This amazing company truly offers a unique perspective and business model in that they work to educate, and evolve technology in such a way that disabled individuals can use and interact with some of the newer models. This is of course no easy task, and requires a great deal of expertise, persistance and passion. Dana Marlowe Principal Partner of Accessibility Partners, and her team, have put forth a tremendous amount of effort into advocating the use of technology by the disabled to government agencies, IT development manufacturers, and employers. Read on to learn about what how the Accessibility Partners team is continuing to work to serve our disabled communities and where Dana would like to see her business in the future.